
MIPS is porting Android 4.1 to low-cost tablets

To make a mark in low-cost tablets, MIPS is porting Android 4.1 Jelly Bean to its processors. As stated by Bernier-Santarini, director of corporation communications at MIPS in an email, the company is trying to bring Jelly Bean to MIPS and expect that they will have the licenses soon.

MIPS is a processing licensing company and is an arch rival of ARM, which has its dominant presence in the tablet and smartphone market. MIPS surprised the people w hen it announced that it is coming out with a tablet along with a manufacture Ainol , based on its processor and running Android 4.0. The processor will cost US$99.

The tablet from MIPS was the cheapest and the first one to have Android at that time but this year Google came out with its first Android 4.1 device with Nexus 7 which runs on a quad-core ARM processor. Tablets with MIPS processor are cheaply priced and have buyers mostly in the developing countries.

MIPS is going to launch a new tablet called Miumiu W1 from a Chinese company Ramos and that will be available in India, Latin America and Europe in a few months. The tablet will have models with 4 GB and 8 GB storage but prices are not available.

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Ditulis oleh: Kayla R.A - Tuesday, August 14, 2012

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