Following rumors of the handset's existence, we now have confirmation that the international Samsung Galaxy S III (Galaxy S3) will be arriving soon in black. UK retailerMobileFun confirms on its blog that it'll be stocking the black S3, alongside the existing blue and white versions.
The retailer is taking pre-orders now, and expects the phones to ship in 4-6 weeks. Pricing for the 16GB model is in line with other Galaxy S3 phones, at 500 inc. VAT.
Rumors of a black Galaxy S3 started to emerge late last week, when Samsung published images of what seemed to be the new color option on its official Facebook page. This was later backed up by a leaked inventory shot from the Carphone Warehouse, showing the black S3 alongside the white and blue variants.
So if that pebble blue S3 isn't doing it for you, you should only have a few more weeks to wait before the black version arrives. Of course, it's worth remembering we're talking about the international model here -- any U.S. availability has yet to be confirmed.
Source: MobileFun blog
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