
Android App Video Review: Blood Run

At first glance, especially looking at still image screenshots of the game, Blood Run from NobStudio looks like another uncreative by-the-book endless runner, but seeing the thing in motion and actually playing it shatters that preconception. From the brutal, combat based gameplay to the stylized animation, this game surprises you at every turn. It definitely has its shortcomings, and is pretty limited in its scope, but its definitely worth a look from runner fans.

This game is really more about wanton murder than it is about distance running. Or rather, you need to perform wanton murder to reach any kind of distance. They essentially replaced jumps and other obstacles with a solid variety of enemy types. The whole game is played with two buttons: one for attack and one for defend. Basic enemies can be easily cut down, but youll need to defend to deflect throwing knives and arrow flurries. Spear men need to be defended against before being hit, while some enemies cant be defended against at all. You can also charge up your attack, which is necessary for taking down giants.

After so many enemies you kill or defend past, youll get a special flag post in your path. Once cut down, these flag posts give various bonuses, from extra health to distance boosts. Unfortunately, past the initial fun of learning the game's nuances, things default to rote repetition. The stylized animation is neat, but could stand to be a bit more fluid, too. The sound mixing is also pretty bad. This game has a great foundation, but it needs some more creative modes or better rewards for play to be a bit more compelling. Heck, Id even take a bit of story. You can download the free version and try it out, or just jump right into this paid version. Despite any flaws, I can easily recommend it.

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Ditulis oleh: Kayla R.A - Saturday, September 15, 2012

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