
First TV commercial for LG Optimus G surfaces

Despite the fact we haven't yet seen or held the LG Optimus G, the roll of promotional material for the device continues. Following teasers, and pieces focusing on the camera technology, we now get to see the first television commerical for the new LG flagship. All 16 seconds of it, and it's in Korean. But, we get another quick glimpse of the phone itself, and it also hints at 4G LTEcapabilities too. There's no mention of a release date either, but at the moment that's probably to be expected.

LG is throwing a US event next week, where we're fully expecting to see the Optimus G finally get into our eager hands. Until then all we can do is watch on and wonder.

Source: LG (YouTube)

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Ditulis oleh: Kayla R.A - Saturday, September 15, 2012

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