
Samsung Galaxy S4 rumored to show at Mobile World Congress in February


The Samsung Galaxy S3 is all of, what, four months old, but we're already starting to laugh our asses off see rumors regarding a possible successor. The Korea Times, citing unnamed "company officials" and "local parts suppliers," says we'll see the Galaxy S4 unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in late February, with it hitting shelves by the end of March

Oh, and they say it'll be slightly bigger (5 inches) and more powerful than the Galaxy S3 (get out) and will have LTE capability (you're kidding us).

Other than a possible screen size and unveiling at MWC, there's not much in the story we wouldn't expect. Faster, better, taking on Apple, blah, blah blah. Been there, done that, will do it again next year.

It's also a little early to start with the Galaxy S4 rumors, and it wouldn't surprise us in the slightest to see this turn out to not happen until later in the year. Regardless, we'll be in Barcelona one way or the other.

Source: Korea Times

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Ditulis oleh: Kayla R.A - Monday, September 17, 2012

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